Saturday, August 1, 2009

Woke up today and Jacob decided that we head out to the pool.We got ready and yeah it does take a long time to get Williams stuffs ready.I know when William and i have appointments,i'd always like to be ready an hr or even 2 hrs before just so i don't rush into things and forget important things behind.So anyway,we got to the pool and William was abit hesistant to swim as it wasn't his normal water temperature.It wasn't was warm but not the usual warm water he normally gets. He was swimming with his dad from one end of the pool to the other.After awhile we started seeing his smiles.His dad put him on his floater and he loved it.He actually clung onto the handles on the sides of the floater,that was surprising.It's always nice watching their bonding moments.Jacob works 5 times a week,goes out on work missions alot to various countries and of cause studies everyday but he always makes us fit in his schedule someway or the other.Don't get me wrong,family to him is always his number one priority but its the little things that he does makes it all speacial,like rushing back into the house just to give us goodbye kisses or just calling in from work to check out how we were doing and if i needed anything from the store when he knocks off work or calling back because he forgot to say I Love You.Have i mentioned that he volunteers to make breakfast during the weekends..i am a big fan of man cooking..somehow their food is just so tasty..sometimes i think they have secret ingredients or maybe its just the love they have for the ones they are cooking for..i know thats for sure.:)
Oh well my laundry's up and i'm going to do some folding and ironing since William is still sleeping and his dad's studying.