Saturday, October 24, 2009
William bouncing while spongebob counts
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 7:23 AM 0 comments
october happenings
We attented a squadrant BBQ...William got to hang out with 2 kids..and a new dog..He was preety calm.Jacob was offered an incentive we got to see that on the AFN news and also the papers.We are so proud of our daddy and all that he has achieved so far.Looking forward to more blessings of such in life as years come by.Other then that..nothing much has happened..except its starting to be very cold nowdays..leaves are begining to turn brown and fall off...seems like Winter is here.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Oh wow,its been almost a month since the last time i wrote.I'm glad that i am able to write today only because our daddy had been schooling for the last 6 weeks and our schedules had been so tight..i know..i know...what other better excuse i can come up with :).Well we've had one of the most busiest weeks of our life..glad its done and over with. We've been at home the whole entire time..nothing ever beats that :)but hey every single second spent with your family is the most precious time of your life right. Anyway,yesterday was Graduation Day...i was treated like a princess even though it wasn't my day...:)Jacob ironed my dress for me...and yes a silky dress that had way too many wrinkles.Got Williams stuffs ready as this was the FIRST TIME EVER for us to leave him with a babysitter.We dropped off the little man and he sure was smiling back at us when we got in the car.Things change after we drove off..wouldn't wanna get there. We got in the venue place and i tell you everyone looked so neat with their formal wear.The airmans impressed my heart so much knowing how much they have done and also what they have accomplish to get them to where they were at that very moment.This was of cause my second Formal eyes was wondering alot as to how amazing presentatins were delivered.Triggered my heart to be present for such an important occassion. As i am already an emotional lady..tried my best not to cry..mission accomplished.To top it off Jacob won one of the awards...Distinquished Graduate.The senior leaders on our table had one of this metal bells made from an old C-130.So when they called Jacobs name for the award..this man rang this loud bell out of no where.I happen to be sitting one seat away from was sure as hell loud.I had a migraine soon after that and is still suffering from it. Above it was sure a great night...We enjoyed ourselves but still rushed out to pick William up. Got there and the little guy was up and wide awake..7 o'clock bedtime was way past.He got so excited to see Jacob and as soon as Jacob left him in the car..he was knocked out.I am glad i was present for such a formal outing...things felt deeper now then it did before.Its not just a job to get a paycheck but one with dignity , honor and pride.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
William's first time trying veggie puffs
During the week i decided to introduce puffs to William as he was 6 months old even though sometimes he thinks he's 6 years .So i bought veggie puffs and laid them on his booster chair.I picked up a puff and put it in my mouth making sure he was noticing what i was doing.Then later on i helped him pick up one and put it in his.This went on for roughly 20mins.Then i decided to just watch him do it all by himself.He was able to pick it up but the hard part was putting it in his mouth.He ended up sucking his fist.But i still laid the puffs there and he kept trying.I went over to the kitchen to make his milk and coming back i noticed he was feeding the dogs.So i said No baby and his hands went open and i saw a puff still on.I burst out laughing at first but later on made the dogs go outside for awhile and told him thats not a good thing to do.I'm sure he's too young to understand but eventually he'll know.Also i like to communicate with him more often ,it helps him learn how to talk faster.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
What a Sabbath day!!
While combing my hair, Jacob yelled out that he was taking the lead to the car with sonny,i followed later on making sure the doors was properly closed. As i reached the car he asked me if i had my car/house keys since I'm always carrying mine . Somehow today i changed bags and didn't really bother with my keys knowing that Jacob was going to use his ..Unfortunately he had forgotten his keys and there we were, standing in shock. With the help of our spare hidden car key ,we knew there was a way to get to church but the question was,How were we going to get back into the house?.So our minds read the same thing...we'll just call our landlord once church finished.So we had 20 minutes to get to church. We set forth on our journey and to our surprise, they were detouring all traffic that were heading the same direction we were. Oh goodness...time was catching up...we got detoured into this one road we had never been to. We kept following cars that was in-front of us and somehow we made it to our destination. As a result we were 30 minutes late. Had church and on our way back ,we decided to call the landlord.With dismay no one was picking up .We made several attempts and still there was no luck. We came to realise that germans love their weekends and they are always out doing something.So we reached home and i suggested that we check with our apartment neighbors if we could try their key, since we all used the same key for our storage room and that was the same key used for the maindoors.We knew it wouldn't work out but we just wanted to give it a try.Again unfortunately no one was at home.So we sat outside for 5 minutes and i suggested that Jacob climbed up to our house.And yes we live in a double story apartment and it was no way anyone could ever climb upstairs.Somehow i knew Jacob could do it..i had so much faith in my husband...but the thought of him falling down scared me to death. As he was getting ready he asked whether the doors were open..i replied I'm not really sure..just give it a try. In the back of my mind i was thinking...maybe i didn't really close the doors properly.Anyway..he started climbing up and trust me my heart was pounding and i never said a word until he was completely up there.There were times when he nearly fell ...i jumped from my seat very quietly. While reaching up..he went straight for the doors,pushing the first one and the second luck.He was like..see baby i told u it was close..again..i still had i said...try the windows..he pushed the first one luck and the second one...too...i told him..push harder..then bammm...the window opened.....wohoooooo!!He was able to open the door with the help of the window.We were saved by the bell.I'm glad we took the battle of getting into the house.Otherwise we would have been stuck outside..who knows when will we ever get inside.Jacob had a slight cut on his hand while pulling himself up to get hold of the railings.Poor thing went out of his way to get us in.What a trooper.As a result of all this,we are so glad that we were able to make it to church and not sit back outside our house and wait for our landlord to finally pick up his phone.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Trip to the States 07/08/09 - 21/08/09
We were so excited for our trip as this time William gets to see his grand-parents for the very first time as well as his aunts n uncles.We knew what to expect as we boarded the plane..i know for sure it wasn't going to be fun.I made sure that i packed toys to keep William occupied.It turned out to be a great flight.He was fussy for awhile but not so much.Well we got off...met up with Dad who was waiting for us at the Airport. We were so happy to see him. Later on,he took us to the Crab was awesome.For the first few days, Jacob caught a flu and it was a cruel one too as it came with this horrible cough.The sad part was Jacobs mum and sister Nicole caught it too.Jacob didn't want William catching it so he wore the mask whenever he was around.However William had the same cough but his temperature was normal.After Jacob recovered , we set forth for our trip to Illinois.
We had a good time in Illinois learning so much about how the Saints did back in the day and also all the obstacles and miseries they went through which was very sad.
We began to drive back to Indiana where we visited the graves of the Haines Generation which was in the woods.
We spent the night @ Jacob's cousins house.The next day,we drove to Ohio where the Air Force Museum was at.To my surprise they showed this documentry from Fiji about Coral Reefs and this was in their very own IMAX.
Our trip to the states has been an enjoyable one.We got to meet up with Uncle Johnny who is such an inspirational man.Saying goodbye to everyone was hard.We cherish all the time we spent with them and look forward to more times in the near future.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Finally our landlord decided to mow the lawn.We suggested that we did it ourselves but he insisted.For awhile it looked like we were farming grass . So the whole time the guy was mowing ,the dogs were barking @ him, nevertheless this guy sure loves the gals.He pats them everytime he sees them.On the other hand ,Jacob now can take the dogs to potty without having trouble walking around.And its summer,grass grows out fast.As for William and i,we've been listerning to Mozart while he's having tummy time.
He's at this stage where he likes to fuss making this grouchy noise and weird faces. It's amazing to watch all this different stages in a baby's growth and realize not long ago they were just a tiny little baby.I think we gave ourselves more sleepless nights then he did.We were always alert if he made a tiny noise.We were up most of the time just looking out while he was sleeping soundly.It was funny that sometimes Jacob was worried about the way i was carrying him or i was the one worried.We were just so cautious. Our mind was always wondering on things that could happen if we weren't too careful.. Having a baby is like taking the biggest step in your entire life. Everything around you just changes.I thought to myself..i have helped raise up my nephews and younger siblings so this shouldn't be that difficult. But it is, raising your own child is totally different.I would have people tell me the same exact thing over and over again and never get tired of hearing it.I saw this commercial,newly parents asking for parenting pamphlets while being discharged from the hospital.If that was real,it would have made parenting a little bit easy but life isn't as such. Nothing worth having comes easy. For us being new parents is such a joyous moment,it makes all the stressful and tough days forgotten and the future days worth living for.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Woke up today and Jacob decided that we head out to the pool.We got ready and yeah it does take a long time to get Williams stuffs ready.I know when William and i have appointments,i'd always like to be ready an hr or even 2 hrs before just so i don't rush into things and forget important things behind.So anyway,we got to the pool and William was abit hesistant to swim as it wasn't his normal water temperature.It wasn't was warm but not the usual warm water he normally gets. He was swimming with his dad from one end of the pool to the other.After awhile we started seeing his smiles.His dad put him on his floater and he loved it.He actually clung onto the handles on the sides of the floater,that was surprising.It's always nice watching their bonding moments.Jacob works 5 times a week,goes out on work missions alot to various countries and of cause studies everyday but he always makes us fit in his schedule someway or the other.Don't get me wrong,family to him is always his number one priority but its the little things that he does makes it all speacial,like rushing back into the house just to give us goodbye kisses or just calling in from work to check out how we were doing and if i needed anything from the store when he knocks off work or calling back because he forgot to say I Love You.Have i mentioned that he volunteers to make breakfast during the weekends..i am a big fan of man cooking..somehow their food is just so tasty..sometimes i think they have secret ingredients or maybe its just the love they have for the ones they are cooking for..i know thats for sure.:)
Oh well my laundry's up and i'm going to do some folding and ironing since William is still sleeping and his dad's studying.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Our Friday evenings are always spent @ the bowling alley followed by a movie @ home if we are not too tired.It's always fun playing and cheering each other,William is so full of life that he 's always screaming,talking or smiling there.Maybe he'll be a bowler like his mum and dad,one thing for sure we'll teach him is that quality time with the family is very important.
Today i was going through our file cabinet and came across all our letters and cards that we sent each other.I noticed,not only did Jacob saved his letters,he also saved the envelopes.I started going through the letters and cards.Having to think of it..its amazing on how far we've come.Jacob also saved all our exchanging emails right back when we started dating.Good memories i tell you..Below is an old picture of us,Jacob @ the age of 18 and i was 17..that was when we first met.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
How we met
Jacob's family was a family friend of my uncle who migrated to the United States way back when Jacob was just a litttle boy.My uncle stayed with them for 7 years until Jacob's dad found a better job in Kentuky where they decided to move.My uncle stayed back in California until he was able to support his entire family for migration to the States.At the age 18,Jacob decided to visit my uncle and during his visit,My aunt was just getting ready to visit families and friends in Fiji.So she offered that he go with her.This happened in Christmas of 2003.And that was the very first time i saw him.I remember it was love at first sight and he proposed the very same time he asked me out...hmmm....who would have thought.But anyways since he didn't have a ring then and said when he goes back he'll work as hard as he can to buy a ring and be able to support us in the future(my heart melted at this point)So the very next year,he sent me a beautiful ring with a picture of him kneeling down(i cried)and a letter of his unconditional love.He came to visit me every year after that until March 10th of 2007 was when we tied the knot.We began our family in Hawaii until we recevied orders for a new station to Germany where we live now and also where our little bundle of Joy,William George Haines was born.We know to this day that life has been a never ending blessing,that anything was possible if you have your mind,soul,spirit n strength set towards it.Having Faith was what kept us going since we were true believers of Christianity.
The pictures are from when we did our traditional Fijian wedding in Fiji 2008.
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Posted by Flourishing Tree By The Lake at 5:04 AM 0 comments