Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh wow,its been almost a month since the last time i wrote.I'm glad that i am able to write today only because our daddy had been schooling for the last 6 weeks and our schedules had been so tight..i know..i know...what other better excuse i can come up with :).Well we've had one of the most busiest weeks of our life..glad its done and over with. We've been at home the whole entire time..nothing ever beats that :)but hey every single second spent with your family is the most precious time of your life right. Anyway,yesterday was Graduation Day...i was treated like a princess even though it wasn't my day...:)Jacob ironed my dress for me...and yes a silky dress that had way too many wrinkles.Got Williams stuffs ready as this was the FIRST TIME EVER for us to leave him with a babysitter.We dropped off the little man and he sure was smiling back at us when we got in the car.Things change after we drove off..wouldn't wanna get there. We got in the venue place and i tell you everyone looked so neat with their formal wear.The airmans impressed my heart so much knowing how much they have done and also what they have accomplish to get them to where they were at that very moment.This was of cause my second Formal eyes was wondering alot as to how amazing presentatins were delivered.Triggered my heart to be present for such an important occassion. As i am already an emotional lady..tried my best not to cry..mission accomplished.To top it off Jacob won one of the awards...Distinquished Graduate.The senior leaders on our table had one of this metal bells made from an old C-130.So when they called Jacobs name for the award..this man rang this loud bell out of no where.I happen to be sitting one seat away from was sure as hell loud.I had a migraine soon after that and is still suffering from it. Above it was sure a great night...We enjoyed ourselves but still rushed out to pick William up. Got there and the little guy was up and wide awake..7 o'clock bedtime was way past.He got so excited to see Jacob and as soon as Jacob left him in the car..he was knocked out.I am glad i was present for such a formal outing...things felt deeper now then it did before.Its not just a job to get a paycheck but one with dignity , honor and pride.