Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finally our landlord decided to mow the lawn.We suggested that we did it ourselves but he insisted.For awhile it looked like we were farming grass . So the whole time the guy was mowing ,the dogs were barking @ him, nevertheless this guy sure loves the gals.He pats them everytime he sees them.On the other hand ,Jacob now can take the dogs to potty without having trouble walking around.And its summer,grass grows out fast.As for William and i,we've been listerning to Mozart while he's having tummy time.
He's at this stage where he likes to fuss making this grouchy noise and weird faces. It's amazing to watch all this different stages in a baby's growth and realize not long ago they were just a tiny little baby.I think we gave ourselves more sleepless nights then he did.We were always alert if he made a tiny noise.We were up most of the time just looking out while he was sleeping soundly.It was funny that sometimes Jacob was worried about the way i was carrying him or i was the one worried.We were just so cautious. Our mind was always wondering on things that could happen if we weren't too careful.. Having a baby is like taking the biggest step in your entire life. Everything around you just changes.I thought to myself..i have helped raise up my nephews and younger siblings so this shouldn't be that difficult. But it is, raising your own child is totally different.I would have people tell me the same exact thing over and over again and never get tired of hearing it.I saw this commercial,newly parents asking for parenting pamphlets while being discharged from the hospital.If that was real,it would have made parenting a little bit easy but life isn't as such. Nothing worth having comes easy. For us being new parents is such a joyous moment,it makes all the stressful and tough days forgotten and the future days worth living for.